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full body workout

Workout: 100’s Workout!

woman in black clothes doing russian twists on a yellow background

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Bench / Chair

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Complete 100 reps for each of the 10 following exercises. Each exercise can be broken down into any set / rep count (as long as you reach 100 reps of each exercise). Example: 4 sets of 25 reps, 5 sets of 20, 10 sets of 10 reps, etc… Challenge to perform at your best pace possible and rest only as needed.

Do not skip any exercises but modify where necessary.

You can also use this as a timed fitness test. Record your score and try to beat it at a later date.

  1. Prisoner Squats

  2. One-Leg Reaches / One-Leg Touches - 50 per side

  3. Push-Ups - can use any modification

  4. Spiderman Plank - each leg moves in 50 times

  5. Burpees - regular or floppy

  6. Russian Twists

  7. Bench / Chair Dips

  8. Power Jacks

  9. Bench Crunches or Modified V-Ups

  10. V-Jumps


Complete 4 sets of the following exercises. Allow 30 seconds rest between each completed set.

  • 10 Jackknife Crunches - left leg straight

  • 20 Bicycle Crunches

  • 10 Jackknife Crunches - right leg straight

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Yevhan

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Workout: Killer Birthday Workout!

woman doing russian twists with a small medicine ball

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells and a Box / Bench

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes (make sure you warm up and stretch really well for this one)


Complete this circuit in your BEST time possible. I did this workout for someone who turned 28, but you can change the number of reps based on your age. There is no designated rest, so make sure you rest as needed. This one doesn’t look so bad but it is deceiving! Complete 4 rounds of the following exercises.

  • 28 Box Jumps

  • 28 Presses (14 per side)

  • 28 Wipers

  • 28 V-Jumps

  • 28 Rows (14 per side)

  • 28 Russian Twists

  • 200 meter Run

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Oleksandra Polishchuk from madproduction 

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Workout: Jack of All Trades Challenge

woman in a pink sports bra doing a pistol squat holding foot

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Complete this ENTIRE circuit at one time in your best time possible (with perfect form). Use modifications and scale when necessary. This workout is great! 

  • ¼ mile Run

  • 50 Jackknives - on EACH side

  • ¼ mile Run

  • 40 Rows - on EACH side

  • ¼ mile Run

  • 30 Double Unders (or 100 Singles)

  • ¼ mile Run

  • 20 meter Bear Crawl (a distance of 40 m)

  • ¼ mile Run

  • 10 Pistol Squats - EACH side - negatives only if needed and modify over a bench

  • ¼ mile Run

Rest 3 - 6 minutes or as needed.


Complete 1 - 2 rounds.

  • 30 seconds Side Plank - left

  • 30 seconds Side Plank - right

  • 30 seconds Alternating Quadruped

  • 3 x 10 second Holds on Hip Bridges

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by aldomurillo from Getty Images Signature

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Workout: Plus ONE!

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells and a Box / Bench

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Perform the following exercises for 1 rep all the way through, then 2 reps, then 3 reps, etc… to reach all the way to 12 reps each. Rest as needed.

  • Hindu Squat

  • Burpee

  • Full Sit-Up - FLAT Footed

  • Snow Angel

  • Tricep Push-Up

  • Reverse Lunge into a Front Kick - EACH Leg

  • Sumo Jump Squats

  • Renegade Row - EACH Arm

  • Box Jump (Modification - 1 Step-Up EACH Leg)

  • Oblique Crunch - EACH Side

  • Tuck Jump - Ground

  • Squat with Calf Raise and Overhead Press

  • Cross-Over Mountain Climber - EACH Leg

  • One-Legged Deadlift - EACH Leg

  • Deck Squat (Modification - Bench Crunches)


Finish with wind sprints. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes (8 sets).

  • 20 seconds Wind Sprints

  • 10 seconds Rest

Repeat 8x.

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Shopping King Louie

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Workout: Cardio & More!

woman in all black doing a box jump in the gym

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Medicine Balls, Sand Bags / Dumbbells, and a Jumping Rope

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Perform the following exercises for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest between. After completing one set all the way through, immediately go into a 60 second plank. Rest 1 minutes and then repeat for 5 total sets.

  1. Jump on to a Box or Curb and Turn 180 Degrees and Jump Down - Repeat

  2. Jump Rope

  3. Overhead Medicine Ball Slams

  4. Sand Bags / Dumbbells Squats with Overhead Lift

  5. V-Jumps

Immediately go into a 60 second plank at the end of the set. Rest 1 minutes and then REPEAT for a total of 5 sets.

Rest 2 - 3 minutes


2 Tabata style sets. Complete 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets equal to 4 minutes. Rest 1 minute between each Tabata.

  • Tabata #1: Spiderman left leg and Spiderman right leg - alternating between the two

  • Tabata #2: Jack Knife Crunches left leg straight and Jack Knife Crunches right leg - alternating between the two


  • 20 seconds Spiderman - left leg

  • 10 seconds Rest

  • 20 seconds Spiderman - right leg

  • 10 seconds Rest

Repeat x4

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by anilakkus from Getty Images Signature 

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Workout: Big 4-0!

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes


Start by running a ¼ mile. Then perform 40 reps of each exercise. Rest as needed.

  • ¼ Mile Run

  • 40 Walking Lunges with Bicep Curls (40 each leg)

  • 40 Jump Squats

  • 40 Full Sit-Ups with Feet FLAT to the Ground

  • 40 Sumo Squats

  • 40 Oblique Crunches on EACH Side

  • 40 Floor Jacks

  • 40 Push-Ups

  • 40 Spiderman on EACH Side

  • 40 Lumbar Jacks

  • 40 Butt Kicks on EACH Leg

  • 40 Wipers (all directions)

  • 40 Floppy Burpees

  • 40 Skull Crushers

  • 40 Russian Twists on EACH Side

  • 40 Star Jumps


Tabata style set with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Alternate between exercises (plank and mountain climbers) for 4 minutes total (8 sets).

  • 20 seconds Plank

  • 10 seconds Rest

  • 20 seconds Cross-Over Mountain Climbers

  • 10 seconds Rest

  • Repeat for 4 total rounds

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by BartekSzewczyk from Getty Images

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Workout: Climbing Stations!

person doing kettlebell swings but we only see their lower half

Time: 45 minutes

Equipment Needed: Dumbbells/Kettlebells, Medicine Ball, and a Jump Rope

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

8 Stations:

Perform 10 reps at each station and then run ¼ mile. Then perform 20 reps at each station and run ¼ mile. Then 30 reps, and finish with the final ¼ mile run. 

  1. Dumbbell Swings

  2. Burpee with a Push-Up

  3. Side Plank Tap-Downs - both sides

  4. Medicine Ball Throws

  5. Jump Ropes

  6. Walking Lunges - each side

  7. Sumo Squats with Dumbbells / Kettlebells 

  8. Snow Angels

¼ mile Run

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Svitlana Hulko from Getty Images

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Workout: Sexy and I Know It!

Time: 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Stopwatch and Dumbbells

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Perform the following exercises for the stated times below. Rest 1 - 2 minutes between each set.

Set #1:

  • 30 seconds One-Arm Chest Flys - left side

  • 30 seconds One-Arm Chest Flys - right side

  • 30 seconds Double Chest Flys

  • 30 seconds Push-Ups

  • 60 seconds Mountain Climbers

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #2:

  • 30 seconds One-Arm Rows - left side

  • 30 seconds One-Arm Rows - right side

  • 30 seconds Bent-Over Rows

  • 30 seconds Renegade Rows

  • 60 seconds Spiderman Plank

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #3:

  • 30 seconds One-Arm Overhead Tricep Extension - left side

  • 30 seconds One-Arm Overhead Tricep Extension - right side

  • 30 Double Overhead Tricep Extensions

  • 30 seconds Bench Dips

  • 60 seconds Floppy Burpees

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #4:

  • 30 seconds Lateral Bicep Curls

  • 30 seconds ½ Bicep Curl - lower half of curl

  • 30 seconds ½ Bicep Curl - upper half of curl

  • 30 seconds Regular Bicep Curl - full range of motion 

  • 60 seconds Cross-Over Mountain Climbers

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #5:

  • 30 seconds Windmills - left side

  • 30 seconds Windmills - right side

  • 30 seconds Sea Turtles

  • 30 seconds Quadruped

  • 60 seconds Lateral Tap Downs

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #6:

  • 30 seconds Reverse Crunches

  • 30 seconds Wipers

  • 30 seconds Tuck Jumps

  • 30 seconds Snow Angels

  • 60 seconds Mountain Climbers

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #7:

  • 30 seconds Oblique Crunch - left side

  • 30 seconds Obliques Crunch - right side

  • 30 seconds Jack Knives - left side

  • 30 seconds Jack Knives - right sides

  • 60 seconds Bicycles

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Set #8:

  • 30 seconds Hand Plank

  • 30 seconds Forearm Plank

  • 30 seconds Body Saw

  • 30 seconds Plank with Butt Kick

  • 60 seconds Plank

  • Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Cool Down & Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Dr. Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by Imageblend

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Workout: Jingle “Bells”

woman bench pressing with purple dumbbells

Time: 45 - 60 minutes

Equipment Needed: Kettlebells or Dumbbells and a Stopwatch

Warm Up: 5 - 10 minutes

Perform the following 3 exercises for 60 seconds each, repeat, and after the 2nd round, move to the next set of 3 exercises. Rest 1 - 2 minutes after each set.

1st Set:

  • 60 sec Chest Flys with Weights

  • 60 sec Bench Press with Weights

  • 60 sec Frog Jumps

  • Repeat

Rest 1 - 2 minutes

2nd Set:

  • 60 sec Squat with Weights

  • 60 sec Squat with Overhead Press with Weights

  • 60 sec Jump Squats

  • Repeat

Rest 1 - 2 minutes

3rd Set:

  • Bent-over Rows

  • Hip Bridges

  • Lateral Tap Downs

  • Repeat

Rest 1 - 2 minutes

4th Set:

  • Walking Lunges with Side Twist

  • Stiff Legged Deadlifts

  • Jump Lunges

  • Repeat

Rest 1 - 2 minutes.

5th Set:

  • Skull Crushers

  • Kickbacks

  • Floor Jacks

  • Repeat

Rest 1 - 2 minutes.

6th Set:

  • Bicycle Crunches

  • Flutter Kicks

  • Floor Jacks

  • Repeat

Rest 1 - 2 minutes

Cool Down and Stretch: 5 - 10 minutes

Workout by: Saara Haapanen

Photo Credit: Canva by vitapix from Getty Images Signature

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